Smaller Older Skid Steers in Good Shape Bringing Big Money at Auction

I’ve compiled over 30,000 auction sale prices on SKID STEERS over the past 32+ years.

One trend with used Skid Steer values has become crystal clear here lately…good condition older, smaller Skid Steers are RISING in value. Big time.

Case in point (pun intended) is the Case 1840 model. I’ve seen a ton of 1840’s sold over the decades. The 2 highest price 1840’s ever sold at auction…both this month, April 2022. Here’s the scoop.

Case 1840 with 1089 hours, sold: $23,000 on 4/16/22 Shippensburg, PA sale

Case 1840 with 983 hours, sold: $19,500 on 4/9/22 New Paris, IN sale


Here are a pair of Case 1840’s with higher hours that also sold very strong on auctions this past week:

Case 1840 with 5005 hours, sold: $11,000 on 4/28/22 Donna, TX sale

Case 1840 with 1703 hours, sold: $15,000 on 4/23/22 Shelbyville, KY sale

This trend of RISING values on good condition older, smaller Skid Steers cuts across all Mfg’s. Bobcat 440B’s are the perfect example. The 5 highest auction sale prices ever and 8 of the 10 highest auction prices ever on 440B’s have all come in the past 22 mo., including a new record high sale price set just last month.

Bobcat 440B with 486 hours, sold: $14,050 on 3/9/22 Petersburg, Neb. online sale

Pete’s Note:Whopping $5,650 over the previous record high auction price on 440B

Just yesterday, April 29, 2022, a Bobcat 440B sold on a consignment auction in Listowel, Ontario, Canada for the 4th highest auction price ever. The sale was by our friends at Hei-View Auctions. It went for $10,100 CAD which = $7,878 U.S. dollars. “That skid steer was a surprise,” said auctioneer Jason Heimpel. “Those small ones are hard to come by.” Here’s a picture of it.


As auctioneer Jason Hempel indicated, the availability, or lack thereof, is a huge driver in the current used Skid Steer market. Here’s an interesting visual on the Supply & Demand with used Skid Steers looking back over the past 2 years. This data from our web site where we currently have 2,353 Skid Steers listed For Sale from all over. The Blue line = Supply, while the Orange line = Demand. Demand is measured in the No. of searches for Skid Steers for sale at Note the sharp drop in the Blue Supply line while the Orange Demand line rocketed higher.


With availability of all types of New equipment, Skid Steers included, pinched due to the supply chain mess + the associated rising cost of New, more Skid Steer buyers have been pushed back into the used market at a time when, as the Supply/Demand chart clearly shows, used availability has become very tight. Your basic recipe for RISING VALUES there folks.

So we see things like the Nov. 6, 2021 farm auction in Keymar, MD where a pair of Case Skid Steers didn’t just set new record high prices…they absolutely obliterated the previous high price marks. Here’s Machinery Pete Youtube video I posted of 2000 Case 1845C with 641 hours selling - broke 10+ year old record price by $10,500:

Also sold on that same 11/6/21 Keymar, MD farm auction was a 2005 Case 465 with only 132 hours. Sold for $53,000 - an stounding $29,000 above the previous record high auction price on a 465 Skid Steer of $24,000 from 11 years ago, 3/15/11 west-central Illinois sale, had only 552 hours.

BTW…we filmed that 11/6/21 Keymar, MD farm auction for our Machinery Pete TV show. EVERYTHING on that sale sold through the roof. Here’s link to watch that episode from our Machinery Pete Youtube channel:

Link to 2353 Skid Steers for sale today:

Link to view Auction Prices on Skid Steers sold past 22+ years, updated daily:

Machinery Pete

That is a ncie looking skid steer