Twitter question from Greg T. - “Pete, what’s a 2014 CaseIH Puma 170 CVT with 2,300 hours and L775 loader worth?”
My reply: Here’s a look at couple CaseIH Puma 170 CVT’s I’ve seen sold at auction:
Auction Prices on CaseIH Puma 170 CVT Tractors
Note the 2014 model Puma 170 CVT with L775 loader and 1,850 hours sold for $80,000 on the 3/25/17 consignment auction in central Nebraska. Here’s a picture of it:
So that '14 model Puma 170 CVT with L775 loader had about 440 fewer hours than the one Greg T. is wondering about, and sold for $80,000. And note, that one sold on a consignment auction which tends to be bit cheaper vs. farm retirement/farm estate auctions. Say it would have been low $80K range on a farm auction with 1,850 hours…so let’s take off some value for one with 2,300 hours and that would put us in mid to high $70K range most likely.
Now note the '12 CaseIH Puma 170 CVT with 2,262 hours and no loader sold for $65,500 on the 12/20/17 dealer auction in southeast Minnesota. Tack on some value for a '14 vs. a '12 model and tack on value for the L775 loader and that works up likely into that high $70K range.
Here’s a link to view a pair of CaseIH Puma 170 CVT’s for sale by dealers, click to view: