Ask Pete - Trent S. with Plevna Equipment - Agco dealer in northern Indiana: “Hey Machinery Pete, how much should we ask for this IMMACULATE JD 4230? A/C blows ice cold, runs great, hours are accurate. I don’t think there’s a nicer one for sale right now!”
Pete’s Reply: Man, that baby looks like new! Sweet 4230! Here are some pics Trent passed along…enjoy, then we’ll get down to what to ask for this super sharp 4230:
So, what is this beautiful 4230 worth? Simply as a starting point, here’s the scoop on hard cash auction values the past 5 years:
Avg. Auction Price on John Deere 4230 Tractors
2019: $10,539
2018: $13,066
2017: $9,501
2016: $9,971
2015: $11,313
2014: 14,822
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Current Avg. Dealer Advertised Price on John Deere 4230’s = $16,035.
Here’s a look the current (5) highest dealer asking prices on 4230’s…click here to view:
So high asking price currently of $22,500 for a super sharp 1976 JD 4230, but with 7,936 hours. Trent and Plevna Equipment’s JD 4230 is super sharp, but only has 5,283 hours.
On the hard cash auction front, if I toss out the rare JD 4230’s that were open station, diesel, power shift, 1 of only 51 made ($50,400 on 11/10/18 collector auction in eastern Iowa) and on same collector auction a 1973 JD 4230 HFWA, power shift, for $28,350, there here’s a look at the (5) highest auction sale prices on JD 4230 tractors the past 2 1/2 years:
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Here’s a picture of the 1977 JD 4230 with 1,975 hours sold for $26,300 on a farm auction September 1, 2018 in Grand Island, Neb., a bit faded, original.
If I bump our auction sale price search back 3 more years, back to 2014, I did see (2) super sharp JD 4230’s sold for $29,000 and a whopping $36,000 on farm auctions here in Minnesota. Here’s a picture of the 1975 JD 4230 with 5,241 hours, power shift, 1 owner, repainted just prior to sale…owner’s desire to make his baby look like absolute NEW, sold for $36K on 11/12/14 farm auction in southwest Minnesota:
I filmed that '75 JD 4230 selling for $36K, seems like yesterday, here’s the Youtube video:
That 1975 JD 4230 sold for $36,000 with 5,241 hours looks like a match (except for the duals and the rock box) to your 4230 Trent. If memory serves, think I recall a local farmer bought that '75 JD 4230 for $36,000 and drove it home right as the sale ended, word was he was heading right the field with it. Get 'er done!
I hope this data was helpful Trent! Keep me posted on your 4230…there’s a happy buyer waiting out there somewhere looking for a like new 4230.
Machinery Pete